friday link love
Happy Friday, friends! Not much to report other than a blurry week of trying to meet my first pass deadline, which was successful. I sent the pages off yesterday and similar to meeting a deadline, I was pretty useless for the rest of the day. And I had such plans! It didn’t help that the weather was sticky and oppressive, and it was hard to go outside without instantly breaking into a massive sweat, though the night culminated in an amazing thunderstorm. Also, this is now official, which is pretty exciting! For those of you observing Yom Kippur tonight and tomorrow, wishing you an easy fast, and to everyone else, a restful and cozy weekend.
[Sorry about the lack of image – Flickr’s been down for the last 2+ hours, which I think is a pretty long time to be having technical issues, but I’ll upload something as soon as I’m able to.]
What I did on my summer (without a vacation) – a finely-written post by Andrew Scrivani (friend, fellow food professional, photographer extraordinaire) about the nature of being a freelancer and how his (and coincidentally mine also) summer went.
On having it all. And cake. Really lovely – Delia Ephron is delightfully on point!
More than gender, class is seen as a divide at Harvard Business School.
The size of your city’s middle class can make or break social mobility.
A compelling argument that colonial borders aren’t the reason for conflict in the middle east.
For Native Americans, mental budget cuts hit hard.
The science of snobbery: how we were duped into thinking that fancy things are better. Great piece.
No, your favorite food is not like crack, so stop saying that. Yes. Thank you.
The case against Larry Summers. A really well-written, thorough piece on why Mr. Summers would be a far from the ideal choice for the next Fed.
Set Chopin free. I like that idea.
Behold the world’s ugliest animal – the blobfish.