friday link love
Happy Friday, friends. For most of you reading this, it’s a little more pleasant outside compared to what we dealt with a few days ago with the polar vortex. For those of you still confused on what polar vortex is, Andrew spoke to David Green on NPR’s Morning Edition mid-week, and provided rather this very helpful explanation.
Construction has started on the kitchen. Well, first it was demolition, and it was so loud that at some point during the day, I had to gather my things and escape to Andrew’s office where, luckily that day, there was an extra chair for me. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the workers failed to show up. There were calls; there were promises; there were explanations – none of which brought me any closer to a completed kitchen. Yesterday, contractors were there and made some progress. They plan on finishing stage 1 by end of day today, and by that I mean, all the cabinets should be assembled and up. Sometime this afternoon, the marble people are showing up to get a precise measurement, and then we wait for the stone fabrication, installation, and only then can contractors finish their job: install doors, do the backsplash, and so on.
A quick housekeeping item: there’ll be no Friday links next week, because Andrew and I will be curling our toes in the sand. We used a bunch of points and miles and we’re fleeing the coup for a week! I’ll be back the following week with more renovation posts. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and week ahead!
How long it takes to form a habit, depends on the habit itself. The more challenging the habit – the longer the habit formation.
Banished for questioning the gospel of guns.
How to name a baby – with some really cool data visualization.
To stop procrastinating, look to science as mood repair.
Some excellent writing advice.
How ignoring a friend request actually works. Also, shy Batman.
The curious mutation of a meme.
New Yorkers, metro cards could be on their way out.
This helps to explain why I didn’t fare well in an office environment.
WOW just what I was looking for. Came here by searching
for friday link love