this & that * february 9


Hello, friends. We’re slowly emerging from the sick lair over here. Andrew got the flu last Saturday (yes, he got his flu shot earlier) and stayed in bed until yesterday; and my pneumonia needed an extra dose of antibiotics—this time the doctor went with a super heavy-duty one, and I’m hoping I’ll start feeling much better soon. Needless to say, all challah-making has come to a screeching halt. While I hope everyone reading this is healthy, should you succumb to a seasonal bug, I can’t say enough good things about these tissues—what a difference they make! Not all pharmacies stock them, so if your find one that does, get a few boxes—you won’t regret it. I haven’t been cooking much this week, being sick and all, but I did manage to make a big pot of my cure-all chicken soup (above). I know there are myriad chicken soup recipes abound, but if folks are interested the recipe, let me know in the comment section.

A few links to get your weekend started:

How much should you budget for taxes if you’re self-employed.

A bizarre and hilarious cookbook cover trend; I couldn’t stop laughing.

How to be more blunt.

Regretting motherhood – a lot to unpack here.

Why you should say “no” more often.

I love everything about this: Building a Latino-Muslim coalition with #tacotrucksateverymosque.

have a good & healthy weekend, all!


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